Computer Systems

News: On the occasion of Prof. Henri Bal’s retirement, there will be a symposium on the 1st and 2nd of May, 2025. Day 1 will discuss the role of HPC in the roaring 20s, while day commemorates Prof. Bal’s time at VU.
The Computer Systems group of the Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam was established in the mid 1970’s by prof. Andrew Tanenbaum (see history) and has been at the forefront of systems research for five decades (see Honors & awards). The group currently consists of three Full Professors (chairs), System and Network Security (Herbert Bos), Massivizing Computer Systems (Alexandru Iosup), and Foundational and Experimental Security (Fabio Massacci). In addition, there is a group on High Performance Distributed Computing. Prof. Andrew Tanenbaum and Prof. Henri Bal have formally retired.
We publish papers in top conferences and journals, with a strong emphasis on high-impact research. Throughout its existence, the Computer Systems has distributed widely-used open-source software, with MINIX as prime example, and routinely cooperates with big tech companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Intel, and Philips for the real-world transfer and exploitation of our research results. Our research results can be found in all major operating systems, all major browsers and all major general-purpose CPUs. We have high teaching standards, as evidenced by excellent student evaluations. We have published many textbooks. The group has delivered dozens of PhDs of worldclass quality, including MIT Full Professor Frans Kaashoek and Amazon CTO Werner Vogels, and many award-winning PhD theses.
The Computer Systems group obtains funding from the Gravitation Programme, the National Growth Fund, the European Research Council (ERC), many projects from NWO and other agencies, in areas like high-performance Deep Learning (with Schiphol airport, ING bank, TATA steel, various medical centers), blockchains, many-cores (with the Netherlands eScience Center), big data, reverse engineering, software security, hardware security, experimental security, and distributed ecosystems. Another NWO grant allows us to build the 6th generation of the Distributed ASCI Supercomputer (DAS), a unique distributed computer science testbed. We have strong collaborations worldwide and nationally. We take part in ASCI, the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging, which offers graduate courses to our PhD students. All this research is also valuable for many dozens of students who participate in our Computer Science Master tracks or in our Computer Security Master program.